Mirror finish Carbon


Price List

catalog number specification (unit:mm if not stated otherwise)
φ:diameter, t:thickness
the number of items price/yen
h-1 plate (75x25, 0.75t) with both surfaces mirror finished 1 19,800
h-2 mirror disk (34φ x 0.7mm) mirror finished 1 19,800
h-3 half type mirror of h-1(37.5x25, 0.75 t) 1 9,900
h-4 square mirror (20x20, 0.75 t) 1 6,050

produced by Mitsubishi Pencil Co.Ltd.

h-5 mirror disk (10φ, 0.75 t) 1 option
h-6 square mirror (10x10, 0.75 t) 1 option
h-7 mirror disk (8φ, 0.75 t) 1 option
h-8 square mirror (8.0x 8.0, 0.75 t) 1 option


1, Japanese Patent No.2003-121438

2, Japanese patent No. 2003-366197, USA patent 2005/0214 164

3, Japanese Patent No. 2005-043605