Carbon Cloth, Carbon Felt and Carbon Paper
Price List
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*New :厚さ0.1mmの Thin type Carbon paper を取り扱っています。 (2024年{令和6年} 1月)
catalog number | specification (unit:mm if not stated otherwise, u:micrometer) φ:diameter, L:length, t:thickness, w:width, d:depth |
the number of items | price/yen |
e-1 | carbon fibre (5μm, 13L) | 20 | 4,500 |
e-2 | carbon fibre electrode made from e-1 | 1 | 16,500 |
e-3-1 | carbon cloth (A4 size, 0.7t) | 1 | 4,500 |
e-3-2 | carbon cloth (800x1000, 0.7t) | 1 | 35,000 |
e-4-0 | carbon felt(A4 size, 0.5t) | 1 | 3,500 |
e-4-1 | carbon felt(A4 size, 2t) | 1 | 3,500 |
e-4-2 | carbon felt (A4 size, 3t) | 1 | 4,500 |
e-4-3 | carbon felt (A4 size, 5t) | 1 | 6,000 |
e-4-7 | carbon felt (A4 size, 10t) | 1 | 8,500 |
e-4-4 | carbon felt (1000x1000, 2t) | 1 | 30,000 |
e-4-5 | carbon felt (1000x1000, 3t) | 1 | 35,000 |
e-4-6 | carbon felt (1000x1000, 5t) | 1 | 45,000 |
e-4-8 | carbon felt (1000x1000, 10t) | 1 | option |
e-6-1 | carbon felt (200x300, 2t) | 1 | 4,000 |
e-6-2 | carbon felt (200x300, 3t) | 1 | 4,500 |
e-6-3 | carbon felt (400x1000, 2t) | 1 | 16,500 |
e-6-4 | carbon felt (400x1000, 3t) | 1 | 22,000 |
e-5-1 | carbon paper (200x300, 0.4t) | 1 | 9,000 |
e-5-2 | carbon paper (200x200, 0.4t) | 1 | 6,000 |
e-5-3 | carbon paper (200x100, 0.4t) | 1 | 3,000 |
e-5-4 | carbon paper (100x100, 0.4t) | 1 | 1,500 |
e-5-5 | carbon paper (200x300, 0.1t) | 1 | 9,000 |
e-5-6 | carbon paper (200x200, 0.1t) | 1 | 6,000 |
e-5-7 | carbon paper (200x100, 0.1t) | 1 | 3,000 |
e-5-8 | carbon paper (100x100, 0.1t) | 1 | 1,500 |
References (2007-2-7 updated)
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4, Anodic hydroxylation of 1-carbomethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazoles • ARTICLE James F. Rusling, Barry J. Scheer, Azita Owlia, Thomas T.-t. Chou and James Bobbitt M.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 178, Issue 1, 25 October 1984, Pages 129-142
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8, Catalysis of 1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane reduction on platinum and carbon felt electrodes coated by polypyrrole films containing 4,4′-bipyridinium groups : Effects of film thickness, film composition and comparison with homogeneous catalysis • ARTICLE, Liliane Coche and Jean-Claude Moutet Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 224, Issues 1-2, 10 June 1987, Pages 111-122
9, Characterization and spectroelectrochemical studies of soluble polymerized 3-methoxythiophene • ARTICLE, An-Cheng Chang, Ronald L. Blankespoor and Larry L. Miller Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 236, Issues 1-2, 23 October 1987, Pages 239-252
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12, “フロー型電池の電極用炭素繊維の電気化学的評価法” 金子浩子、青木隆道、根岸 明、野崎 健、炭素TANSO 1991(150) 303-309
13, “レドックス・フロー型電池の負極液の研究 (II). 充放電に伴うクロム塩化物錯イオンの状態変化” 金子浩子、野崎 健、小澤丈夫、DENKI KAGAKU, 59 (4) 334-339 1991
14, Vanadium redox reactions and carbon electrodes for vanadium redox flow battery • ARTICLE、Hiroko Kaneko, Ken Nozaki, Yutaka Wada, Takamichi Aoki, Akira Negishi and Masayuki Kamimoto、Electrochimica Acta, Volume 36, Issue 7, 1991, Pages 1191-1196
15, ” 電解液循環型二次電池炭素電極材料のキャラクタリゼーション“, 根岸 明、野崎 健、金子浩子、炭素TANSO 1991 (150) 310-318
16, Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds on carbon electrodes modified by poly(pyrrole-bis[2,2′-bipyridyl] palladium(II) complex) films • ARTICLE, A. Deronzier, J. -C. Moutet and E. Saint-Aman Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 327, Issues 1-2, 10 June 1992, Pages 147-158
17, “Characterization of Carbon Electrode Materials for Flow Type Batteries”, Akira Negishi, Hiroko Kaneko, Ken Nozaki, DENKI KAGAKU, 61, (12) 1442-1448 1993
18, Studies of the limiting polarization behavior of gas diffusion electrodes with different platinum distributions and hydrophobic properties • ARTICLE, Sidnei L. A. da Silva and Edson A. Ticianelli Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 391, Issues 1-2, 4 July 1995, Pages 101-109
19, Electric double layer capacitors with new gel electrolytes • ARTICLE Electrochimica Acta, Masashi Ishikawa, Mitsuo Ihara, Masayuki Morita and Yoshiharu Matsuda Volume 40, Issues 13-14, October 1995, Pages 2217-2222
20, Electrochemical reductive dechlorination of chlororganic compounds on carbon cloth and metal-modified carbon cloth cathodes • ARTICLE、S. M. Kulikov, V. P. Plekhanov, A. I. Tsyganok, C. Schlimm and E. Heitz、 Electrochimica Acta, Volume 41, Issue 4, March 1996, Pages 527-531
21, Electrochemical conversion of nitrate to ammonia in water using cobalt-DIM as catalyst • SHORT COMMUNICATION, Yang Xiang, De-Ling Zhou and James F. Rusling Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 424, Issues 1-2, 15 March 1997, Pages 1-3
22, Gas Phase Adsorption of Volatile Organic Compounds and Water Vapor on Activated Carbon Cloth Cal, M. P.; Rood, M. J.; Larson, S. M. Energy & Fuels; (Article); 1997; 11(2); 311-315. DOI: 10.1021/ef960200p
23, “ Practical Coulometric Detectors of Dissolved Oxygen” Ken Nozaki, Osamu Hamamoto, Shunnichi Uchiyama and Hiroko Kaneko, DENKI KAGAKU, 66(6) 64
24, “New Coulometric Detectors for Dissolved Organic Materials Monitoring”, Shunnichi Uchiyama, Osamu Hamamoto, Hiroko Kaneko and Toshiyuki Hobo, DENKI KAGAKU 66 (6) 657-659 1998
25, A model for the liquid feed direct methanol fuel cell • ARTICLE, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 477, Issue 2, 22 November 1999, Pages 97-110 K. Scott, P. Argyropoulos and K. Sundmacher
26, Limiting current behaviour of the direct methanol fuel cell • ARTICLE、 K. Scott, W. M. Taama, S. Kramer, P. Argyropoulos and K. Sundmacher Electrochimica Acta, Volume 45, Issue 6, 1 December 1999, Pages 945-957
27, Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) for the Adsorption of Organic Compounds onto Activated Carbon Cloth: Comparison between Multiple Linear Regression and Neural Network、Brasquet, C.; Bourges, B.; Le Cloirec, P. Environ. Sci. Technol.; (Article); 1999; 33(23); 4226-4231
28, Effects of Activated Carbon Cloth Surface on Organic Adsorption in Aqueous Solutions. Use of Statistical Methods To Describe Mechanisms 、Brasquet, C.; Le Cloirec, P.Langmuir; (Research Article); 1999; 15(18); 5906-5912.
29, Electrochemical Disinfection of Microorganisms Using Palladium Coated Carbon Cloth Electrodes Hiroshi SADAMURA,Satomi KOBAYASHI,Satoshi HONDA,Noriko SUZUKI,Makoto KOGURE,Hjime HAMASHIMA,Yasushi KANZAKI、Vol.68 , No.5 , p.321-327 (2000).(EN)
30, Bioelectrocatalytic reduction of dioxygen to water at neutral pH using bilirubin oxidase as an enzyme and 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazolin-6-sulfonate) as an electron transfer mediator • ARTICLE, Seiya Tsujimura, Hirosuke Tatsumi, Jun Ogawa, Sakayu Shimizu, Kenji Kano and Tokuji Ikeda Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 496, Issues 1-2, 19 January 2001, Pages 69-75
31, Voltammetry at a de Levie brush electrode as a model for electrochemical supercapacitor behaviour • ARTICLE, W. G. Pell and B. E. Conway Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 500, Issues 1-2, 16 March 2001, Pages 121-133
32, Removal of phenol, phenoxide and chlorophenols from waste-waters by adsorption and electrosorption at high-area carbon felt electrodes • ARTICLE, Erol Ayranci and Brian E. Conway, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 513, Issue 2, 2 November 2001, Pages 100-110
33, The vanadium redox-battery: an efficient storage unit for photovoltaic systems • ARTICLE, Ch. Fabjan, J. Garche, B. Harrer, L. Jörissen, C. Kolbeck, F. Philippi, G. Tomazic and F. Wagner, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 47, Issue 5, 3 December 2001, Pages 825-831
34, Wet Hydrodechlorination of p-Chlorophenol Using Pd Supported on an Activated Carbon Cloth、Shindler, Yu.; Matatov-Meytal, Yu.; Sheintuch, M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; (Article); 2001; 40(15); 3301-3308.
35, Wet Hydrodechlorination of p-Chlorophenol Using Pd Supported on an Activated Carbon Cloth、Shindler, Yu.; Matatov-Meytal, Yu.; Sheintuch, M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; (Article); 2001; 40(15); 3301-3308.
36, Vapor-Phase Adsorption of Hexane and Benzene on Activated Carbon Fabric Cloth: Equilibria and Rate Studies Singh, K. P.; Mohan, D.; Tandon, G. S.; Gupta, G. S. D. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; (Article); 2002; 41(10); 2480-2486.
37, Development of techniques for purification of waste waters: removal of pyridine from aqueous solution by adsorption at high-area C-cloth electrodes using in situ optical spectrometry • ARTICLE, Jianjun Niu and Brian E. Conway Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 521, Issues 1-2, 8 March 2002, Pages 16-28
38, Molecular structure factors in adsorptive removal of pyridinium cations, 1,4-pyrazine and 1-quinoline at high-area C-cloth electrodes for waste-water remediation • ARTICLE, Jianjun Niu and Brian E. Conway Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 529, Issue 2, 12 July 2002, Pages 84-96
39, Adsorptive and electrosorptive removal of aniline and bipyridyls from waste-waters • ARTICLE, Jianjun Niu and Brian E. Conway Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 536, Issues 1-2, 15 November 2002, Pages 83-92
40, Adsorption of organics onto an high-area C-cloth electrode from organic solvents and organic solvent/water mixtures • ARTICLE, Jianjun Niu and Brian E. Conway Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 546, 10 April 2003, Pages 59-72
41, Activated Carbon Fiber Cloth Electrothermal Swing Adsorption System、Sullivan, P. D.; Rood, M. J.; Grevillot, G.; Wander, J. D.; Hay, K. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.; (Article); 2004; 38(18); 4865-4877.
42, Effects of membrane electrode assembly preparation on the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance • ARTICLE, Th. Frey and M. Linardi, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 50, Issue 1, 15 November 2004, Pages 99-105
43, Application of proton conducting polymeric electrolytes to electrochemical capacitors • ARTICLE, Masayuki Morita, Jin-Li Qiao, Nobuko Yoshimoto and Masashi Ishikawa Electrochimica Acta, Volume 50, Issues 2-3, 30 November 2004, Pages 837-841
44, States of orientation of pyridine and 1,4-pyrazine as a function of electrode potential and surface charge at a high-area, porous C electrode • ARTICLE, Jianjun Niu and Brian E. Conway, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 564, 15 March 2004, Pages 53-63
45, Manganese dioxide electrodeposition in sulphate electrolytes: the influence of ferrous ions • ARTICLE, A. Susana Pilla, Marta M. E. Duarte and Carlos E. Mayer Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 569, Issue 1, 15 July 2004, Pages 7-14
46, Electrochemical catalysis by crosslinked films of cobalt reconstituted myoglobin and poly(L-lysine) in a bicontinuous microemulsion • SHORT COMMUNICATION, Bharathi Nuthakki and James F. Rusling, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 581, Issue 1, 15 July 2005, Pages 139-144
47, Hydrogenation of Citral over Activated Carbon Cloth Catalyst 、Aumo, J.; Oksanen, S.; Mikkola, J.-P.; Salmi, T.; Murzin, D. Yu. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; (Article); 2005; 44(14); 5285-5290.
48, Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solution Using Low-Cost Activated Carbons Derived from Agricultural Waste Materials and Activated Carbon Fabric Cloth Mohan, D.; Singh, K. P.; Singh, V. K. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; (Article); 2005; 44(4); 1027-1042.
49, Temperature Dependence of Herbicide Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions on Activated Carbon Fiber and Cloth 、Angeles Fontecha-Camara, M.; Lopez-Ramon, M. V.; Alvarez-Merino, M. A.; Moreno-Castilla, C. Langmuir; (Research Article); 2006; 22(23); 9586-9590.
50, Examination of the double-layer capacitance of an high specific-area C-cloth electrode as titrated from acidic to alkaline pHs • ARTICLE, Heather A. Andreas and Brian E. Conway, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 51, Issue 28, 15 September 2006, Pages 6510-6520
51, High methanol oxidation activity of electrocatalysts supported by directly grown nitrogen-containing carbon nanotubes on carbon cloth • ARTICLE, Chen-Hao Wang, Han-Chang Shih, Yu-Tai Tsai, He-Yun Du, Li-Chyong Chen and Kuei-Hsien Chen, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 52, Issue 4, 1 December 2006, Pages 1612-1617
52, Elucidating differences between carbon paper and carbon cloth in polymer electrolyte fuel cells • ARTICLE, Yun Wang, Chao-Yang Wang and K.S. Chen Electrochimica Acta, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 6 December 2006
53, Water electrolysis on carbon electrodes enhanced by surfactant • ARTICLE Z.D. Wei, M.B. Ji, S.G. Chen, Y. Liu, C.X. Sun, G.Z. Yin, P.K. Shen and S.H. Chan Electrochimica Acta, Volume 52, Issue 9, 15 February 2007, Pages 3323-3329
54, Activated carbon fiber cloths as electrodes for high performance electric double layer capacitors • ARTICLE, Bin Xu, Feng Wu, Shi Chen, Cunzhong Zhang, Gaoping Cao and Yusheng Yang, Electrochimica Acta, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 26 January 2007